Friday, January 20, 2012

todas las piezas de mi corazón

I consider myself very "blessed" for many reasons which you may not understand. One of the most profound ways in which I am privileged was not something in my control. Whoever decides the road we take and who becomes a pit stop along the way has truly favored me with amazing people to grace my life. Of course I am referring to friends and family, but more significantly I am referring to former loves.

There have been two people in my life who have truly touched my heart whom will not be named. What they have done to me and for me will never be able to be explained in words, for its a feeling they have given me which was so strong I carry it with me today. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to connect with such amazing people that it helps me to keep faith in the astonishment of everything happening in the world and helps me to make more sense of everything.

My loves have pieces of my heart that are forever named theirs- no mater who or what happens next. I can never make you comprehend everything you have done for me and maybe that is part of the magic of your former presence in my life. Just know, that I am definitely a far better person now because I have known you. You have taught me so much about life, you, and myself. I can never repay you, but hope my gratitude and realization of this is enough.

I hope I let you know this when I was with you. I wish I have touched your life even just a fraction of what you have done for me. You are truly great people and many times I feel like I did not deserve you, but I am glad someone thought I did if only for a short while.

Of course it has also been decided that our love would end. And at times this makes me melancholy, but then I look at how I have reached such happiness and I recall the cliche saying "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." It's bittersweet, but you came into my life at just the right time when I needed you the most.

I just want to say thank you and hope you will always remain in my life in some form. I will never cease in caring for you and hope this feeling is mutual. This is what I believe the greatest feeling in the world which helps me look forward to the future and heals my heart from the pains of the past which I am learning to let go of.

You are simply awesome. I hope you never doubt your greatness and I trust that you will spread your light into the world, the same way you have allowed your contagious brilliance shown to me in which I attempt to pass on.

I love you. Though the kind of love that I have for you may have changed, I will forever love you.

I also hope that I will be so lucky to have people half as wonderful as you grace my life again. If not, please know that the love you have showed me will sustain me for the rest of this life.

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