Tuesday, January 24, 2012

que se encuentra debe perderse

A lot of life has happened to me. More than I deserve, but all that I needed. The saying goes "You don't get what you want, you get what you need". Sometimes I think back to all my life experiences and think Wow! Did that really just happen? Without going into intricate detail I will just say I never let money or fear hold me back. Traveling being one of my biggest passions, I have always found a way to pursue my dreams. I was fortunate to move to Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Costa Rica. Some for short periods of time, others for years.

Within the past year I have moved three times. I was on the "right" path. I use quotations because I think many times society deems certain roads more acceptable than others. I have my Bachelors degree in Marketing and after working countless crappy jobs in order to maintain my life in Philadelphia, I finally had a job I thought I wanted. I was working in Development for United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania. I was sure that non-profit had been the route I wanted to take. After working in heartless corporation after immoral corporation I finally landed a job in the non-profit world, which is somewhat difficult unless you have a connection (which I also luckily had). I believed this was the correct next step for me. I had always kept myself busy outside of work with many philanthropic activities such as Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America and HIV/AIDS Fund Philly.  This job just seemed to encompass everything I had done- customer service, good works and business since the job was in Development.

The atmosphere was enchanting. Even the receptionist always greeted you and asked how your weekend was and for the most part everyone had smiles and was happy. I thought to myself, "How wonderful!". I loved most of the people I came in contact with and I believed in what United Way had done and was doing for the community. We often had meetings which entailed videos about how we changed peoples lives during which I would have to hold back alligator tears of happiness.

Simultaneously, I had been in an MBA program at Philadelphia University. My previous employer was paying for this higher education, but while enrolled in a second semester of MBA I learned that my company would be moving my job to Minnesota where I had the option to relocate. At first, I thought I should go if I didn't find a job which I was a bit doubtful of due to the economy. But, as if all the planets had aligned I found a job within the first few months of being told of the downsizing/relocation offer. I couldn't be happier. And now more than ever I had believed in fate. If I hadn't been told I'd be loosing my job I would have never searched for a new job and found United Way. I was content at my old job. I was there a while and very proactive- involved in clubs and a biking initiative, plus they were paying for my MBA. I was planning on staying there at least until that was completed. I even had they sponsor me in Spanish lessons. They were a testing company so it was fairly easy to get them to sponsor you for higher education programs.

But, United Way would be a $10,000 pay increase and a career move toward something I wanted to do. It was perfect, so I thought! A 15 walk through the city from my apartment. I had meeting in some high rises I had never been to. I could meet people in the city after work for drinks! Everything had been perfect, I thought. As quickly as it began, it ended. I was told that there was a restructuring and I was let go, in a very nice manner. My boss gave me a box for my things, told me to use her as a reference and given cab money for the ride home.

I thought my life was over. I was finally in a great place. I was financially stable, pursuing more education and simply content. I couldn't understand why this had happened. Sadness and self-loathing consumed my body. And I thought- OK, I need to be humbled AGAIN! I lost EVERYTHING, or so I thought.

That very same day I walked to UPenn to meet my best friend during her break to try and make sense of what happened. By the end of our conversation she decided she would quit her job and we would move to another country to teach English. It seemed a lot of people were using this as a way to get abroad- Why not us? She had hated her job for a while now. So, I broke up with my boyfriend, got a new tenant for my apartment and moved home with my mom and dad to save money for the move.

I had three months in Scranton, PA before Costa Rica where I haven't really lived since I was 17 (besides a few months after college before Los Angeles). It's hard to handle and I must admit that this is a weird place. I think I was rocked for many reasons. I lived in various parts of Philly for almost 4 years-Norther Liberties, South Philly, Center City. It was insane not to be there. Also, it was hard to no longer be with this boy I adored. At this point he was a senior in College so I imagine it was much easier for him. Yes, I might be a bit of a cougar. With a lot of time to think I only had yoga to help me accept what was happening.

Then, the inevitable happened. I moved to Costa Rica through Global TESOL Costa Rica which helped my friend and I get our TESOL certificates, but overall was a sketchy program. The person that actually ran the show moved back to the States with his Costa Rican wife even before our program (3 people including myself enrolled in the program) ended. At one point we were homeless and the other go-to person of the program suggested that we be less "picky" because we were two people wanting a two bedroom apartment, not a one bedroom. But, we did get jobs and we did find a home. I would have to admit it very different being a tourist versus living in CR. Please refer to my previous blog for more detailed information. Within 4 months, we returned home from CR though I reminded my friend who I traveled there with I am not sure what you are traveling back to and it will take some time to get a job. Reluctantly, I went home.

In CR I felt free, like it didn't matter what I did. Now, the vacation was over. I had a goal, pursued it and now it was over. Back to stressful America and time to seriously make something of myself. At this point I still believed that I wanted to go the non-profit route. So, I frantically applied to every job on idealist.org in any city that I thought I was qualified for. I went on one interview for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Boston for very low pay for that area. I thought I had done well on the interview and thought I had the job. Gratefully, I didn't get it.

Frustrated and confused, I thought I would just do what I like doing and see where it takes me. I started volunteering for United Way, Everhart Museum, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Make-A-Wish Foundation. For the Everhart Museum, I work with a kindergarten open-ended art initiative at Francis Willard School which I love. I am also currently in process of becoming a Big Sister. Even if no job comes from these activities its good to get more experience and gain references for the future.

I tossed several idea around in my head about what direction to take next. The more I thought about it the more spontaneous and ludicrous my ideas became. Finally, with a little push from a psychic intervention a light that had always been inside me pushed its way through. I had thought and been told for several years now that I should be a teacher. I didn't pursue it because I was always somewhere else. Now, I am seriously applying to masters programs for elementary education and I am more excited than ever to get back to school. 

One year ago, I was excited for Costa Rica, but I was too lost for my own good. Presently, I think of the Tao Te Ching proverb "You must loose yourself in order to find yourself". This sounds like an extremity, but I think it to be true. Had all these events not happened to me which at that moment I thought were negative, I would have never reached here. Though you may think I am not anywhere. The progress I reached in order to make this discovery is profound. And to me it was everything. For through the loss of my love, job, education, life I found who I am and who I want to be. No longer do I feel like I need to reach a summit by a certain point. I am thankful for every instance to run its course to lead me here today. It is where I needed to be. I am glad that I do not have to have a 9-5 or stare at a computer all day. I get a chance to reinvent my destiny.

According to Chinese astrology 2012 is the year to pursue your dreams. It is time to discover your true self and potential. After the years I've had this couldn't come at a better time. Tonight at my yoga practice, my dear friend and fellow yogi and teacher said to me "When the student is ready the teacher will come". I couldn't agree more, my friend. Happy Year of the Water Dragon!

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