Saturday, May 26, 2012

déjame en paz

 It's official. I am now a yoga teacher. If you asked me three years ago when I began this practice if I would ever become a teacher, I would have probably looked at you crazy. I must admit it is as challenging as it is addictive. And I have trained intensely to become this. I can also admit that you cannot be a teacher of this practice until you are a devoted student. So, in honesty, I have been training to become a teacher for the last three years.

The training itself has been rigorous. I have bought Bikram audio, read books and studied more for this than I did for many undergraduate courses. During the almost two months training my life had been completely consumed by Bikram yoga. In many ways I ate, slept, and lived yoga. This was good. It prepared me to teach today.

Though I am only a few classes deep in my start as a teacher, I feel like I have the confidence and preparation to do my best to motivate my students in their practice. I know I will only improve in time. And I am already aware of some things I can improve on. Before class starts I usually get filled with an adrenaline rush that makes me nervous. My hands get clammy and I take deep breaths. Once the pranayama breathing is over, I tend to get more comfortable with the class and can be a bit loud. My claps and voice soar as my enthusiasm to keep the class encouraged kicks in. I also have a problem with lefts and rights. But, I am told that this is a common mistake that will get better with more practice. In addition, I may hold some postures for longer or shorter than they should be held. I feel like all these are humble mistakes that will come with patience, just like our practice. You don’t automatically start practicing yoga and are able to do full extent of the postures. They take time. It takes discipline and mental determination to allow your body to open up and one day surprise yourself. This is how I also look at my teaching. I know the dialogue, benefits, timing, etc. but, it will be a bit (20 classes I’m told) before we can really improve our teaching. Each class is a learning experience. This is also why it is so important for me to practice as much as possible, too.

Friday evening I taught my 3rd class, but this class was more significant than just another class under my belt helping me to get more comfortable with my teaching. It was valuable to me because my guru would be taking it. For about a year now I have looked up to one of the yoga teachers and now friend. She is someone who is just, open, intelligent, compassionate, etc. In short I really admire her. Her importance is more than the fact that she is amazing because she is the one who encouraged and recommended me to become a teacher. Her presence in the class intimidates me more than my teacher of the training. But, I was grateful for her attendance in the class. It serves as something symbolic to me because of how much I look up to her and have learned from her and now she was the student in my class.

I made my anticipated mistakes and choked on some words, among other things. Afterwards, she gave me her honest feedback which was so good to hear. All my mistakes are fixable and will hopefully be mended in time. One thing she said stuck in my mind. She said that I was a "natural". I couldn't contain my smile.

The circle of life had completed itself in my mind. From teacher to student to student turned teacher. I cannot correctly put into words how magical of a journey this has been. Spiritually, I have progressed ions, emotionally and physically too. It’s just amazing the power of having someone believe in you which turn into confidence in yourself.

I remember before all the training and teaching started. I had thanked her for introducing me to this wonderful world. She responded to me with “In due time, you will do the very same for a special person who you sincerely BELIEVE in…”.

This is why I love yoga so much. We are all on a spiritual journey.  We help each other which helps our own journey.

The more I attend class and teach the more love I feel whether it’s improving my own practice or helping other’s improve their practice. We all have something to learn from one another in this never ending journey that is yoga. I am so grateful!

I hope that I can touch someone else the way this practice has done for me.

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