Thursday, April 26, 2012

que es lo que piensa

Recently a lot of people have been asking me what I am doing with my life. I immediately tell them I am going back to school for a teacher certification, but in the present I am in pursuit of being a yoga teacher, teach preschool classes, watch kids and volunteer. The truth. Most people are more satisfied by a more socially accepted answer of reaching a material goal like a degree, ore probably more important, a status-sounding job. Usually, I accentuate the teacher certification to let people know I am still serious and motivated.

But, I feel like I am! I am so proud of and excited to become a yoga teacher. Maybe it's good for you to understand how I "got into" hot yoga. I recently recall two women in the bathroom post class discussing this exact question. But, it's truly interesting and I find myself and others like me genuinely interested. So, yeah, I "fell into" this kind of yoga in 2008. I tried some different yoga classes in the city, but nothing got me truly engaged. I remember wanting to feel like I'd already loved yoga, but I didn't. I discovered what a former love of mine and countless others already knew in the city- Bikram. I'd given it a try and have been truly dedicated since. I like the forever challenge.

Though while living in the city, working full-time, MBA pursuit, and my dog I could never get a chance to practice to the extent of how I have been in the last year (about 3 to 5 times a week). I feel stronger and a bit muscle-y, but one of my most favorite things about the practice are the spiritual/meditative experience I get through it. More recently, I have had more astounding spiritual discoveries, but it just feels necessary to have. I think my practice had improved much in the past couple months, though I know I have endless mountains of improvement.

This just seems right. And just how so many things work out- everything just magically arrived at the right place at the right time. Through the grapevine, it extended itself to me. At first I thought, I couldn't. I thought my practice wasn't good enough, etc. But then I thought "How could I NOT"!.

I think sometimes people don't understand what it is like to have this dedication. It's so much fun and I do it because I love it, but there are times when it is a challenge because it's also discipline, courage, much patience. It's takes ridiculous amounts of physical and emotional strength- it's quite a journey. Since beginning this training I pretty much live yoga. I read up on the Bhavagad Git and Mahabharata. I had slept with cds on repeat, picking up Bikram's worst and most silly banter. I decided that the tapes didn't work best for me. I've been memorizing for hours a day which helps me to get the dialogue down. But, it's just a stepping stone from there- making sure you're timing things OK and not sounding exactly like a robot. But, I find it ironic and just like yoga itself- making breakthroughs in time.

Currently, I would say we're more then half-way through. Teaching is following soon after. I am very excited to begin teaching. I'm more enthralled to start teaching comfortably and adding more of myself. I am nervous, too. But, I am considering what a great learning experience it is for me. It allowed me to take my practice to a much better place while keeping me honest with myself and perhaps will encourage others- what a true gift. I am so lucky to be here now. And everything just worked out so well- everything!

On one more positive upswing- I got accepted to graduate school for a Masters of Arts in Teaching. It's a really good program so I am definitely more elated to get a better education to be more prepared than just perhaps a teaching certification would provide. Also, I have the time now to commit to it, so why not? It will only further myself in the future. In addition, I'm scared to commit to Scranton for another couple of years. There's a definite list of pros and cons, but I think again the positives  largely outweigh the negatives.

I guess what happens is never really what you expected, but what fun would that be. I certainly am not at my goal destination,  but isn't that the point of this journey? I am learning to be patient and content with my life while looking forward to the future. I think I'm finally beginning to get it.

This brings me to a piece of wisdom from my friend (and of course someone more widely known), "When the student is ready the teacher will come. Well, literally in all senses this calls true to me. Everything is just happening in an already mapped out predestined sequence of events. I accept, humbly.

I am ready for my next chapter.